As a nation, we have witnessed numerous tragedies from gun violence. News and media sources are continuously reporting school shootings, church shootings, synagogue shootings, and other mass shootings in open public spaces. There are reports of threats to the American people both internal and external, leading to panic and fear from many. The best thing that you can do in these troubling times is to enroll in active shooter training for businesses. Being prepared for a violent intruder event isn’t difficult with the assistance of active shooter training companies who specialize in teaching groups and organizations the skills they need to prepare for and survive an active shooter event.
Now, more than ever, we want to encourage people to educate and train themselves to respond to active shooter situations and critical in ident training. An active shooter response class from a trained and experienced professional is paramount to the safety of your organization and your employees and patrons.
Handling an active shooter situation as well as any critical incident has several parts. Your staff will need to be able to identify an active shooter situation, properly react to it in order to protect themselves and others, and communicate effectively with law enforcement. Having several policies in place, such as an active shooter policy, and making sure that your staff understand these policies, can help to keep your establishment from becoming another testament to gun violence. Every organization should have an EAP or Emergency Action Plan in place for any emergency situation, including having an active shooter plan that all employees have been properly trained on. By putting in place a step by step process for your team, you ensure that there are a clear set of guidelines in place to help alleviate an emergency situation. Active shooter training and critical incident training is key to your organization following these emergency steps.
Similar to schools, office workers traditionally underwent violent intruder event response training that essentially amounted to hiding from the threat. Now, most institutes are beginning to rethink their violent intruder event training programs in favor of the effectiveness of Run Hide FIght. Active shooter training for teachers and active shooter training for employers in other sectors continues to change to meet the violent situations that businesses must commonly expect to find themselves in. Unfortunately, more often than not today, one of the most common threats a school, church, business, or other establishment must be prepared for is an active shooter.
Run, Hide, Fight training is a core component of the active shooter defense training taught by Chris Parman of Guard Point Management. Protecting your employees and your business from an active shooter event takes more than guts or luck can get you; your team requires careful training and practice in order to combat an armed threat. As credible sources like Homeland Security and FEMA continue to press the urgency and importance of active shooter plans for all businesses, Guard Point Management continues to be ready to train and educate businesses on active shooter protocol.
The typical active shooter course is taught using the RUN, HIDE, FIGHT model protocol which teaches users to evade an active shooter, to alert authorities early on for faster response times, to limit the shooter’s access to the establishment and the people with in, and to safely evacuate the area if at all possible. We can easily create plans to fit individual and businesses in any industry, including healthcare facilities, financial insti, corporate structures, schools, and houses of worship.
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